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Break the Mold: The Zach Bates Story

Directed by

Fri 4/19: 3:20p, 5:10p
Sat 4/20: 3:00p with special intro from Autism Oklahoma, 6:20p
Sun 4/21: 11:30a, 6:00p, 8:00p
Mon 4/22: 1:00p, 3:20p, 6:20p
Tue 4/23: 12:20p, 4:20p, 7:30p
Wed 4/24: 2:50p, 6:20p
Thu 4/25: 4:20p, 7:30p






1h 1min

Screening in support of Autism Awareness Month, with community partner Autism Oklahoma! Tickets on sale now for a screening Sat 4/20, 3:00p with introduction by Meredith Bland of Autism Oklahoma. Standard daily screenings begin Fri 4/19, with showtimes coming soon. Materials and resources about Autism Oklahoma will be available at Circle for the duration of the film's run.

About the film: Nineteen-year-old Zach Bates told his mother at high school graduation that he was going to run a 100-mile ultra marathon before his 20th birthday. Surprised, she reminded him that his longest cross-country race had been 5k. Undeterred, he continued to speak his mind and envision running this 100-mile race before he turned 20. Seeing her son's determination and knowing his unique ability to deeply focus - due to autism - she chose to let him run. They started with a half marathon, then a full, then a 50-mile race... Follow the journey as Zach trains and prepares to run his first 100-mile ultra marathon to chase down his dream.

Autism Oklahoma is a non-profit organization that believes that every person with autism is unique and important. Our organization helps individuals with autism reach their full potential, helps families thrive, and help communities understand and embrace differences. Learn more about their programs and resources in Tulsa at

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