Four Winters
Directed by
Wed 11/8: 12:00p lunch, 1:00p film. Encore film-only presentation at 7:00p
Not Rated
Join us for a special presentation of this film with the Jewish Federation of Tulsa's Lunch Bunch! Admission to the film is free for everyone, with an optional $13 lunch from Calaveras available before the film. Click the ticket button to register for the lunch, or visit Lunch at 12:00p, film at 1:00p with an encore showing at 7:00p.
“All I owned was my camera, leopard coat, rifle and a grenade in case I’m captured...the pillow was the rifle, the walls were the trees and the sky was the roof,” says Faye Schulman, one of over 25,000 Jewish partisans, who fought back against the Nazis and their collaborators from deep within the forests of WWII’s Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Belarus. Against extraordinary odds, they escaped Nazi slaughter, transforming from young innocents raised in closely knit families to courageous resistance fighters. Shattering the myth of Jewish passivity, the last surviving partisans tell their stories of resistance in FOUR WINTERS, revealing a stunning narrative of heroism and resilience.