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Free January Art Gallery Opening

Directed by

Thu 1/4: 6:00p-8:00p





Join us at a FREE opening reception for the January gallery exhibit, "Philbrook Wild - Hidden Magic" by award-winning photographer Dave Muller. 30% of proceeds from all photo sales will go to the Assistance League of Tulsa's Operation School Bell.

Artist statement on the exhibit: I have enjoyed spending significant amounts of time in the Philbrook Gardens over the past fourteen years. These magical visits have been filled with hours of tranquility and moments of awe, doses of adrenaline, and portions of wonder as the diversity of life that also thrives in this urban wonderland revealed itself and proceeded to engage in the activities of daily living. A red fox on a leisure stroll down a walkway. A dragon fly hitching a ride on a snake swimming in Crow Creek. A Cardinal couple bathing in the Central Fountain on a hot afternoon. Blue Jays screeching at a Cooper’s Hawk who was screeching at a Barred Owl high in the canopy of green overhead. A female Cardinal resting atop Lupa Capitolina II. Hummingbirds zipping around and busily chattering over and through the gardens. A close encounter with a Cooper’s Hawk in the formal upper gardens one Saturday morning. Twilight crimson splattered on the clouds to the east beyond the Tempietto shortly before sunrise. Quiet moments watching a Green Heron fishing in the creek. These are just a few of the magical moments/memories that continue to bring a smile to my face and provide uplift for my heart long after they were first experienced.

A particularly big shout out is due to the Philbrook team for the wonderful Members Mornings in the Garden program several years ago. Many of the images included in this exhibit were captured during the magical hours just before or just after sunrise. The goal of this exhibit is to share some of the “Hidden Magic” of the Philbrook with you. Enjoy, and remember to keep your eyes open whenever you have the opportunity to spend time in the Philbrook Gardens!

About the photographer: Dave Muller is a retired geologist, adventurer, and award-winning photographer. Dave was born in Upstate New York, and has lived in Iceland, Colorado, Texas, and Oklahoma,. His favorite photographic subjects are wildlife, landscapes, and the wonders of the natural world. Dave’s photographs have been honored in local, state, and regional competitions. Dave was one of two 2021 Professional Photographers of Oklahoma (PPOK), “Newcomers of the Year”/Nelson-Helt Scholarship Winners and the top Nature Photographer in the 2022 PPOK General Division. Dave regularly gives presentations on photography and travel at local and regional meetings of photography and nature enthusiasts, and frequently donates images to local charities for their fundraisers in both Oklahoma and Colorado. See more at

Free January Art Gallery Opening
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